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Araneus cyrtarachnoides relative Blue Bush Orb Weaver

A small orb weaver found in Brisbane, South East Queensland, probably present in lush areas all along the central section of eastern coastal Australia. It has a bright blue, sometimes greenish abdomen with a white streak, fringed with reddish brown, across the leading edge. The underneath is reddish brown and green, a good camouflage in foliage. The blue colour may be to camouflage against the sky, as it sits rather exposed in its web during the day on the fringes of trees. ♀ 8mm ♂ 4mm

From above, legs extended

This specimen was found on a minimal web (nearly all removed) between a walkbridge and a Waterhousea at 7am. On the web the abdomen appeared a much brighter blue, the colour attracting us to the presence of the spider in the first place.

Araneus psittacinus
Photo: Robert Whyte

Side view showing underneath, 11 February 2008

Web between a Backhousia myrtifolia (Cinnamon Myrtle) and the walkbridge over Fish Creek in Walton Bridge Reserve, The Gap.

Araneus psittacinus
Photo: Robert Whyte

Underneath showing epigynum

Araneus psittacinus
Photo: Robert Whyte

From above, strong blue colour

This specimen was a little larger than others we had seen previously. It was still in its web at 6.45am. This photo shows how strong the blue colouration can be, hard to capture in photos.

Araneus psittacinus
Photo: Robert Whyte

Side on, showing dorsal surface

Araneus psittacinus
Photo: Robert Whyte

Juvenile from above

This small bright green spider body length about 1mm was on a Lilly Pilly.

Araneus psittacinus
Photo: Robert Whyte

Juvenile from above

Araneus psittacinus
Photo: Robert Whyte

Female, body length 3mm

Collected late June 2009 in a patch of good quality remant dry rainforest known as "The Island" on the northern side of the junction of Fish and Enoggera Creeks, Walton Bridge Reserve, The Gap. Body length: 4mm.

Photo: Robert Whyte

Female, body length 4mm facing

Araneus psittacinus
Photo: Robert Whyte

Female, body length 4mm from behind

Araneus psittacinus
Photo: Robert Whyte

Female, body length 4mm from above

Araneus psittacinus
Photo: Robert Whyte


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