HERSILIIDAE Two-tailed spiders

Sometimes called Long Spinneret Bark Spiders or Tree Trunk Spiders, Hersiliids have two very prominent spinnerets projecting from the rear of the abdomen.

Tamopsis brisbanensis closeup

Tamopsis brisbanensis Baehr & Baehr, 1987 Brisbane Two-tailed Spider
Sometimes called Long Spinneret Bark Spiders or Tree Trunk Spiders, spiders in Hersiliidae have two very prominent spinnerets projecting from the rear of the abdomen. Tamopsis brisbanensis is common in Brisbane. Very well camouflaged against bark, they spin silk on tree trunks and wait for insects... 

Tamopsis fickerti

Tamopsis fickerti (L. Koch, 1876) Fickert's Two-tailed Spider
A common and widespread two-tailed spider found in South-east Queensland, New South Wales and Victoria. Like other Herisiliids, difficult to see... 


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