
Clubiona modesta (LP) L. Koch, 1873 Small Garden Sac Spider, large palps

A common spider in parks and gardens and nearby bushland, probably spread by humans. Usually found in a silken retreat in a folded green leaf, in all types of wet and dry woodlands and rainforests. In males especially the chelicerae are enlarged and porrect (pointing forward). Koch described both Clubiona robusta and Clubiona modesta, naming the latter to indicate similar but smaller. There is likely to be a complex of species usually referred to as Clubiona modesta very similar spiders having either large palps or small palps in the male, showing they are separate species, perhaps several. Geographical distribution does not seem to account for different groups, as there are both large and small palp versions in both NQ and South East Queensland. The differences between these spioders and similar looking Gnaphosa spp., is the presence of conical spinnerets in Clubionidae. Gnaphosids have long and usually more obvious straight sided spinnerets. ♀ 10mm ♂ 7mm

Male huge palps Kuranda

Clubiona modesta
Photo: Dr Greg Anderson, Black Mountain Road noth of Kuranda, NQ

Female Kuranda

Clubiona modesta
Photo: Dr Greg Anderson, Clubionidae Clubiona modesta Black Mountain Road north of Kuranda, rainforest at several hundred metres.

Male big palps Daintree NQ

Clubiona modesta
Photo: Dr Greg Anderson

Male large palps, Giraween

Clubiona modesta
Photo: Dr Greg Anderson Giraween, near Stanthorpe, QLD

Female Girraween

Clubiona modesta
Photo: Dr Greg Anderson Giraween, near Stanthorpe, QLD

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