ANAMIDAE Open-holed Trapdoor Spiders

Open-holed Trapdoor Spiders are mostly medium-sized mygalomorphs, often with golden or silver fine hairs on the head. They cannot climb smooth vertical surfaces. They have two small spinnerets seen at the rear end of the body, usually pointing up. Some have Y shaped shallow burrows, to about 40cm deep, with one arm slightly concealed below the surface of the soil. The main entrance is lightly covered with silk but has no door. Males have long thin legs which usually have a spine. In Queensland's South-east Mottled Eastern Namea spp. occur in rainforest. Black Anamespp. occur in drier parts of Queensland. The Bearded Xamiatus magnificus body length about 6cm, also occurs In Queensland. Open-holed Trapdoor Spiders occur in all habitats throughout Australia, including Tasmania, but are rare in far north Queensland.

Aname sp. Black Beauty, a large species from shellgrit beaches. Thompson beach, SA. 35mm

Aname from Cael Gallery

Aname sp. Neds Corner VIC 3496

Aname sp. Pale Open-holed Trapdoor Spider Neds Corner VIC 3496
A medium to large mygalomorph spider with an open burrow, in drier parts of Australia. The burrow is sometimes raised at the surface and shallow, Y... 

Hesperonatalius sp., Barmera SA,

Hesperonatalius from Cael Gallery

Namea dahmsi

Namea dahmsi
Namea dahmsi is a widespread species in south-eastern Queensland recorded from open forest and dry rainforest habitats, in lowlands and... 

Namea gloriosa

Namea gloriosa
Namea gloriosa is named for the type locality. It is extremely rare, known only from D'Aguilar Range rainforest at Mount Glorious and Tenison... 


Namea nigritarsus


Namea spp.

Proshermacha 6

Proshermacha sp.from Cael Gallery

Teyl sp. 1, Mt. Lofty, SA

Teyl from Cael Gallery

Teyloides bakeri Main 1985

Teyloides bakeri Main 1985 Minnivale trapdoor spider
This winter-active, medium-size mygalomorph from the Mt Lofty Ranges of South Australia may be found under rocks or in burrows of sloping hillsides... 

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