A very large water spider found along the waters edge in creeks, rivers and lakes, in Coastal areas from Coffs to the Cape, legs sometimes stretching to an adult's handspan. Well camouflaged with shades of flecked or mottled brown, sometimes with white stripes. Able to run swiftly across the surface of the water. They can stay submerged for a long time by trapping air around their bodies. The female carries her egg sac underneath her body, holding it in place with her jaws and palps. The final leg segments (tarsi) are nearly as long as the metatarsi in this speces. Similar looking, somewhat smaller Dolomedes spp. have relatively shorter tarsi, only about half the length of the metatarsi. ♀ 30mm ♂ 20mm
Female with egg sac

Female, White's Hill

From above on leaf

From above on water, Enoggera Creek