Nyssus albopunctatus (Hogg, 1896) White-spotted Swift Spider

A spider usually found in leaf litter with a distinctive pattern of white marks (10) on a mostly black body. Nyssus albopunctatus mimics mimic female mutillid wasps. ♀ 9mm ♂ 7mm

Spider on twig

This spider was photographed on Monday, 7 April 2008 at Walton Bridge Reserve, The Gap, in an area of dry rainforest with a lot of leaf litter. There were several individuals about.

Photo: Robert Whyte

Spider showing underside

This Supunna sp ended up on its back (upside down) and lay there for some minutes, quite still, before righting itself and running off.

Photo: Robert Whyte

Another female, from above facing down

Corinnidae > Supunna albomaculata also Supunna funerea body length about 10mm collected in leaf litter at 7.30am Friday, 5 June 2009 at northern side of junction of Fish and Enopggera Creeks.

Supunna funerea
Photo: Robert Whyte

Another female, from above facing left and slightly up

Supunna funerea
Photo: Robert Whyte

Another female, from above facing left

Supunna funerea
Photo: Robert Whyte


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