Dr Pawel Szymkowiak has provisionally called this species sp. nov. C based on specimens at the Australian collected from Mareeba North Queensland. It is a tiny Thomisid, body length about 3mm. It has since been found in many places up and down the Queensland and NSW coasts and hinterland.
- Stripey, new species "C"
- Male "C" from Tamborine Mountain Bio Blitz Oct 17
- Species "C" or "D" adult male
- Another new species
Stripey, new species "C"
The brown specimen here photographed by Pawel Szymkowiak at Australian Museum in Sydney is accompanied by a juvenile of the same species, from somewhere in south east Queensland, Photo Robert Whyte.

Male "C" from Tamborine Mountain Bio Blitz Oct 17

Species "C" or "D" adult male
Also from Tamborine Mountain Bio Blitz Oct 17. This may be the same species differently coloured and patterned, or it may be another new species.

Another new species
This specimen, from another kettle of spiders entirely, was found at the March followup Tamborine Bio Blitz at Cedar Creek, Thunderbird Park. It is also aLehtinelagia but nothing like "Stripey C". I call this one L. Pseudocetratus .