A large, robust and powerful jumping spider found in gardens, houses, along waterways and in woodland in South East Queensland. Its teeth and palp match O. mordax, but at 10mm body length, this specimen from Toowong, Brisbane is too large to be Koch's O. mordax which was 5.3-5.5mm in body length. Gardzinska's type material had a body length of 5.9mm. The male O. mordax palp is missing from the type but the illus shows embolus starting at 7 o'clock, also a match for this specimen. The male of O. quadratarius has never been described but could easily have been this big, the female being 9mm. (The males in the 'grassator-group' to which this might belong, are larger than the females.) The O bitaeniatus male has never been described but the female is slightly smaller, body length 8.5mm. O. kochi has no measurements or habitus illus. In fact none of the known males fit, not even an aberrant O. mordax giant (we know of wide size differences) because Koch drew 3 distinct spines on the palpal femur of O. mordax and this specimen has only two. ♀ 9mm ♂ 10mm
Male from above

Male, oblique, facing

Male from above

Male from side

Male from above

- Gardzińska & Żabka, 2013 - Redescription of the genus Opisthoncus L. Koch, 1880 (Araneae: Salticidae) Joanna Gardzińska & Marek Żabka